11th ARION – Molyvos International Guitar Festival 2023 – Tinella: Arion concertante (2-6/8/2023)

A word formed by Archilochus at Olympia to imitate the twang of the string of his lyre when, apparently drunk, he forgot to bring it with him.

We bow to the great poet and his ingenuity and keep this word as the song and frontispiece of our Arion festival this year.

Tinella, therefore, for the friends who ask us about the absence of the Arion Guitar Academy, closely tied to Molyvos and Arion.

Tinella, about the need for a creative break after ten years.

However, we are writing this text to announce the concerts you will see in the first week of August.

Twenty-four musicians with guitars, harp, cello, ukulele, flute, words and songs will travel for the ARION – Molyvos International Guitar Festival and give five unique concerts, in the courtyard of the ‘Desmos’ Cultural Venue, gazing at horizon lines and sunset colors.

Artistic direction , Korina Vougiouka
Organized by Molyvos Tourism Association

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