Specializes on Early music and historical flutes he is the founder and director of Ex Silentio ensemble with a rich and versatile concert and recording activity. He performed in venues and festivals in many European countries, in the Middle and Far East, among others at the Sala Verdi Milan, Pablo Casals hall Tokyo, Konzerthaus Vienna, Styriarte Graz, Megaron Athens, Via Medieval in Mainz, Banchetto musicale in Vilnius, Blumenthal Festival in Tel Aviv, Mousike’ in Bari, J.S.Bach festival in Riga etc. He collaborated with Armonia Atenea, Harmony of Nations and with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra and recorded for Carpe Diem, Talanton and in baroque opera projects for DECCA and MDG. Besides the renaissance and baroque intruments he plays some rare early and traditional flutes such as the medieval transverse flute, the dvoyanka and the gemshorns.
He is researching the relations between humanism and music and the music and poetry of the troubadours and published essays and articles for Brepols, Nefeli and Fagottobooks.
He studied recorder, traverso and Early Music in Utrecht, Milan and Vienna and medieval music in Trossingen.
He was invited for lectures and masterclasses at the Geneve Conservatoire, at the Kings College and the Conservatoire of Lugano and teaches at the Athens Conservatoire and at the Ionian University.