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Manolis Mavromatakis

Works as actor in the theatre, the cinema and television since 1991. He has been honoured with many prizes, among others with the prize ‘Karolos Kun’ in 2007 for his intrpretation in the play Dafnis and Chloe, directed by C.Grauzinis. He has cooperated with the National Thetre, the Greek Festival, the National Theatre of Northern Greece, as well as other significant theatrical organizations of Greece. Among the directors he has cooperated with, are C.Grauzinis, N.Milivοjevic, A.Serban, V. Papavasiliou, Y. Houvardas, S. Kakalas, Th. Moschopoulos, M. Papadimitriou, N. Mastorakis, A. Retsos, L. Koniordou, S. Doufexis, K. Tsianos and others.